Sherborne St John is a thriving village with a large selection of clubs and societies catering for all ages and interests. Having both the Village Hall and Chute Pavilion, Sherborne St John has two excellent venues where many of these clubs meet on a regular basis.
Details on a number of these societies, including when and where they meet and how to contact them, can be found below:
We are a small friendly club who meet at the Chute Pavilion on Thursday afternoons throughout the year from 2.30pm to 4.30pm and also on the first and third Monday evenings each month from 7.00pm to 9.00pm.
We are always pleased to welcome new members so why not come along and give short mat bowling a try. We have bowls available which you can use and the existing members will be only too pleased to show you the ropes of the game.
We would be pleased to hear from you and for any further information please contact Les on 01256 850973 ( or Tony on 01256 889350 (
The History Society meets monthly during the afternoon. Since its inauguration in 1999 a large amount of material has been collected and recorded. This includes villagers’ memories, school and church records, electoral roll and directory entries, maps, family histories, photographs, farms and buildings including estate diaries from The Vyne and many more. Over 100 articles have been published in The Villager.
Visitors and new members are always welcome. We are pleased to share information on a particular topic, or you may have information you would like to share with the History Society.
Please contact for any further information.
The Women’s Fellowship meets every first Tuesday of the month from 2pm – 4pm in the Village Hall.
There are approximately 50 members with a core Committee who ensure that each annual programme is varied, always interesting, fun and sometimes educational.
Most meetings consist of a Speaker followed by tea and chat. We also have a Summer Strawberry Tea, a Harvest Tea, bring and buy stalls, a Christmas lunch at a chosen venue and a Summer outing.
If you are interested in coming along (no obligations) please contact the Secretary, Mrs Jenny Cullum, her email address is or give her a call on 01256 850315.
Based in the village of Sherborne St John in Hampshire, the club celebrated its 100th birthday in January 2003. We believe this makes us the oldest registered club in the county.
We are always looking for new members to join. We are a very friendly club that puts on a lot of events during the year. We advertise these events in The Villager every month.
We also have a hall that can be hired out with bar included for any occasion.
We have a website
Please take a look and you will find all the information regarding the Membership, events that are going to be coming up, photos of previous events, days and times that the Club is open and lots more
Other clubs include:
- Sherborne St John Tennis Club
- Sherborne St John Football Club
- Guides, Brownies, Rainbows, Scouts and Cubs
- Sherbornes Society of Bell Ringers
Details will be added regarding these clubs and societies as information becomes available.
If you have a club or group that meets in Sherborne St John and would like to include your details here please contact the Parish Clerk at