Financial Information






The Parish Council must deal with its accounts in accordance with Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 and the NAO’s Code of Audit Practice 2015.
Each year, Smaller Authorities are required to conduct a review of the effectiveness of the systems of internal and prepare an Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) following the guidance in Governance and Accountability for Smaller Authorities - a Practitioners' Guide to Proper Practices. ?The appointed external auditor is:


Arcadia House

Maritime Walk

Ocean Village


SO14 3TL


Financial Year 2023/24 Documents to be uploaded when available and approved

Asset Register 

Annual Governance Statement

Accounting Statements 

External Auditor's Report and Certificate 

Explanation of Variances

Bank Reconciliation

Annual Internal Audit Report

Notice of Public Rights

Notice of Conclusion of Audit





Financial Year 2022/23

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 

AGAR Form 3 - Final 

AGAR Form 3: Annual Internal Audit Report, Annual Governance Statement, Accounting Statements, Explanation of Variances, Bank Reconciliation

Notice of Public Rights 31 March 2023

CIL Summary Report 


Financial Year 2021/22

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 

Annual Internal Audit Report, Section 1 - Annual Governance Statement, and Section 2 - Accounting Statements

Supporting explanations and Action Plan to Section 1 

Internal Audit Letter

Explanation of Variances and Explanation for 'high' reserves 

Bank Reconciliation

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return

Asset Register 

Financial Year 2020/21

Financial Year 2019/20

Financial Year 2018/19

Financial Year 2017/18

Financial Year 2016/17

Financial Year 2015/16