Council Meetings

The Parish Council usually meet every fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:15pm in the Chute Pavillion

2025 Parish Council Dates

22 January 


2024 Parish Council Dates

31 January 

28 February 

27 March 

24 April ** CANCELLED **

15 May: Annual Parish Meeting followed by the Annual Parish Council Meeting

June: no meeting planned

24 July 

August: no meeting planned

25 September 

October: no meeting planned

27 November

December: no meeting planned


2023 Parish Council Dates

Date Time Location
Wednesday 25th January                                                                        19:15 Chute Pavilion
Wednesday 22nd February 19:15 Chute Pavilion
Wednesday 29th March ** CANCELLED ** 19:30 Chute Pavilion
Wednesday 26th April 19:15 Chute Pavilion
Wednesday 24th May Annual Parish Meeting followed by the Annual Parish Council Meeting 19:45 Chute Pavillion
Wednesday 28th June 19:15 Chute Pavilion
Wednesday 26th July 19:15 Village Hall
August - No Meeting    
Wednesday 27th September 19:15 Chute Pavilion
Wednesday 25th October 19:15 Chute Pavilion
Wednesday 29th November 19:15 Chute Pavilion
Wednesday 13th December 19:15 Chute Pavilion